An Introduction
You and Your Transformation Journey
First of all, I want to congratulate you. Stumbling upon or landing on this page is no coincidence. Whether you're looking for personal growth, patching up old wounds, or looking to make changes in your life as a whole requires intention. It requires action. Although very different, they are equally as important.
To create new habits, behavioral changes, overcome mental barriers, put an end to self-sabotage, engage and balance self-care with productivity, cultivate a lasting growth mindset, and much more, you must have the intention to even know where to start. You must perform the actions that you learn on a daily basis. It becomes a feedback loop. The intention cultivates motivation to perform the action, the actual performance of the action reinforces the intention, and around it goes.
What to Expect From My Articles
The blog posts, articles, and whatever else I, or others, share here are meant to provide bite-sized knowledge based on real science, real research, and real life experiences.
Although I have anecdotal, personal experience making robust changes in my life and have dedicated my time to help others, I feel it's necessary to provide facts. No sensational posts, no "life-hacks", no overnight success stories - I aim to provide practical strategies, motivational support, factual information to those who seek it, and my individual coaching services to anyone who feels they need to be guided in the right direction.
Evidence based change is something I strongly believe in and what you can expect from every article is a blend of science, backed by current and historical research in psychology, neuroscience, and real-life experiences. I will do my best to deliver it in a way that's not only accessible, but actionable.
Your Journey Starts Here
You aren't alone on your journey. As you'll see, a number of authors (some named, some that wish to remain anonymous) will share their personal experiences, personal reflections, and their stories of resilience that will inspire you, the reader, to take the next step you know deep down you need to take.
If you feel you are being burdened by old habits, an unhealthy mindset, a lack of motivation, or from our ever-evolving society that constantly demands more from us, then allow yourself to step into a new version of yourself and reflect on what truly matters.
If you're ready to take your first step, let's begin.